Sunday, May 15, 2005
  Do people call you a terrorist?
The other day we were discussing To Kill a Mockingbird, specifically the chapter in which Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the Black church. We had a great discussion, about analogous experiences. The students--who were all Black, besides one Hispanic student and one White student--quickly went off discussion and began listing their own racial experiences. I felt badly for the White student because he was obviously uncomfortable. One of my goals for the discussion was to discuss Atticus's advice to Scout, to put herself in others' skin, to truly understand them. We were having an actual discussion in class, and I was happy about finally engaging them. Then, the best thing happened. A student asked me if I had ever been called a terrorist. I got red in the face, but I told him that yes, it had happened. They wanted to know what I did. I told them that even though I get upset, I try not to show my resentment; I don't think people are bigots, as much as they are simply ignorant. Then, we talked about me coming to their school, where most people hadn't seen a Muslim, and about giving people time and room to get over their ignorance. I think it was a good answer, but it hardly came from me. These thoughts must have been percolating in my mind, but I hadn't articulated them. (It was like the times when you've prayed to wake up at 4:00 am, and you wake up exactly on the dot, even before the alarm clock.) It was the best thing that happened because it gave me feedback, I know that at least some students were reading actively and internalizing Atticus's values. 
I had a couple of white buddies call me a terrorist. I called them pedophiles in return. THey got mad. I don't know why... they were men in their 40s!..

it's wierd what you say about waking up exactly on the dot. I also have a verrry consistent expierience with praying to wake up at say 3:30, setting the alaram for 3:30, and waking up exactly @ 3:29 so I can turn off the alaram and keep my wife and babies from getting disturbed...
=peace, the Doubter.
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